Horror scripts for Hopscotch competition


11 November 2013
imports_WRI_0-jsnyna8u-100000_04291.jpg Horror scripts for Hopscotch competition
Scripts or treatments of low-budget psychological horror movies are invited by Hopscotch Films ...
Scripts or treatments of low-budget psychological horror movies are invited by Hopscotch Films
The winner will receive £1,000 and their script will be developed by Hopscotch Films to the point that it is ready to seek production finance.
Submissions may be made by screenwriters and writer/directors.
Submissions may either be treatments (2-10 pages) or first draft scripts. All submissions must be psychological horror, and make a virtue of the restrictions of low-budget film-making.
Writers submitting treatments only should include examples of other scripted work. Writer/directors should send links to previous work and examples of a previous script. All entrants must include a biography in their submission.
The closing date is 15 December.

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