29 December 2011
Just before you start counting down the hours to 2012, we'd like to wish you all the very best for a new year which sees your writing ambitions fulfilled ...
Just before you start counting down the hours to 2012, we'd like to wish you all the very best for a new year which sees your writing ambitions fulfilled
We've loved reading about our subscribers' writing succeses in the past year, and featuring them in Members' News is a real pleasure. So keep those success stories coming in!
To help you plan your writing year, the next Writing Magazine is a bumper 128-page issue featuring our 2012 events guide. Copies are on sale from 5 January.
And if you're at a loose end over the bank holiday, get writing! You never know, it might be something you see into print before next year is out.
We've loved reading about our subscribers' writing succeses in the past year, and featuring them in Members' News is a real pleasure. So keep those success stories coming in!
To help you plan your writing year, the next Writing Magazine is a bumper 128-page issue featuring our 2012 events guide. Copies are on sale from 5 January.
And if you're at a loose end over the bank holiday, get writing! You never know, it might be something you see into print before next year is out.
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