Flash fiction competition: The Bath Flash Fiction Award


13 February 2015
imports_WRI_bffa-62230_29843.png Flash fiction competition: The Bath Flash Fiction Award
The new Bath Flash Fiction Award is a rolling competition with a first prize of £1,000 ...
The new Bath Flash Fiction Award is a rolling competition with a first prize of £1,000
The competition is for flash fiction of up to 1,000 words. There is a second prize of £300 and a third prize of £100.
The competition, which has been organised by Jude Higgins, who co-runs the Bath Short Story Award, will be judged when 1,000 entries have been received, and then start again.
All entries for the Bath Flash Fiction Award  must be original and unpublished, and may be on any theme.
There is a fee of £9 per entry, or £4 for members.

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