Creative writing prize: Eyelands Book Awards


15 July 2019
eyelands-37265.jpg Eyelands Book Award
Win prizes in two categories – published and unpublished


Win prizes in two categories – published and unpublished

Submissions are accepted of novels, novellas, poetry and short story collections, children's books, historical fiction, memoir and children's books. There are no restrictions on form or style, but all manuscripts must be in English.

In the published books category, the grand prize is a five-day holiday in Athens (flights not included) plus a handmade ceramic and online publication of extracts. In the unpublished books category, the grand prize is translation into Greek and publication by Strange Days Books, which publishes in Greek and English. There are further finalists' prizes in each category.

The early bird entry fee is $22/€20 until 31 August, and $30/€27 until the closing date of 20 October.

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For full details see the website.


Metaphor can have a powerful effect on your readers - read this to see how it can be used to make your fiction memorable.