Creative writing competition: The Yeovil Literary Prize 2020


29 January 2020
Enter in four categories: novel, short story, poetry, writing without restrictions

Since its launch in 2002, the annual international Yeovil Literary Prize has established itself as a major event on the writers' competition calendar.

• The novel category is for the synopsis and opening chapters of an unpublished novel. The prizes are £1,000, £250 and £100. The winner will also have the opportunity to pitch their book to literary agents. This year's judge is Paul Blezard. The entry fee per novel is £12.

• The short story category is for original, unpublished short fiction up to 2,000 words. There are prizes of £500, £200 and £100. This year's judge is Susan Sandon. The entry fee per short story is £7.

• The poetry category is for original, unpublished poems up to 40 lines. The prizes are £500, £200 and £100. This year's judge is Caroline Gilfillan. The entry fees are £7 for one poem, £10 for two and £12 for three.

• The writing without restrictions category is wide open. Entries may be anything you have written that doesn't fit into the other categories. There are prizes of £200, £100 and £50. This year's judge is Jessica Axe. The entry fee is £5.

There is also a special £100 Western Gazette Best Local Writer Award for a shortlisted entry by a writer living in the Western Gazette distribution area.

The closing date is 31 May 2020.

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For full details see the website.


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