Christie tops CWA poll as greatest crime writer


06 November 2013
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For its 60th birthday, the CWA polled its members to find the greatest-ever crime writer, and came up with Agatha Christie ...
For its 60th birthday, the CWA polled its members to find the greatest-ever crime writer, and came up with Agatha Christie
Agatha Christie's novel The Murder of Roger Ackroyd topped the poll for best-ever novel.
Sherlock Holmes had the most votes for best-ever crime series.
600 CWA authors were polled, and the results announced at a 60th anniversary celebration at Foyles in London.
When CWA authors were last polled to find the greatest crime writer, novel and series, 15 years ago, Raymond Chandler was voted the CWA Best Ever Crime Writer. He also won the series category for the Philip Marlowe novels. The Nine Tailors by Dorothy L. Sayers was voted best novel.

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