Call out from The Ashton Group for a new stage play by a writer under 25


19 June 2014
imports_WRI_0-p4ca4hjj-100000_18149.jpg Call out from The Ashton Group for a new stage play by a writer under 25
The selected Finding Words play will be performed by The Apprenticed Actors Company and will tour the north-west of England ...
The selected Finding Words play will be performed by The Apprenticed Actors Company and will tour the north-west of England
Submissions for Finding Words from The Ashton Group's Theatre Factory should be one-act plays lasting 60 minutes, and should be written for a cast of four young actors: two male, two female. Plays can be on any theme or subject.
To submit, writers under 25 should send the first ten pages and a synopsis by the deadline of 11 July. Four writers will be given the opportunity to expand their work into a full-length play, and one play will be selected by The Ashton Group to go into development for a touring production.

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