BFI Teenage Kicks season calls for teen drama scripts


27 June 2014
imports_WRI_0-x6njr4de-100000_18563.png BFI Teenage Kicks season calls for teen drama scripts
Eight winners of the Teen Scene script challenge will have their short drama filmed by the BFI ...
Eight winners of the Teen Scene script challenge will have their short drama filmed by the BFI
As part of the forthcoming Teenage Kicks season, the BFI has been working with production design students at Wimbledon College of Arts to create a working film set in the style of a teenager's bedroom. Each week of filming the set will be dressed differently to represent one of four fictional characters.
The BFI and Ideastap invite submissions of two-page scripts based on any one of these characters from writers aged between 16 and 25.
Two scripts will be selected for each of the four characters/set designs, and filmed. The films will be screened at the BFI.
The closing date is 18 July.

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