1.38 million books in Booktime giveaway to children starting school


27 June 2011
imports_WRI_0-l148f3im-100000_55608.jpg 1.38 million books in Booktime giveaway to children starting school
Each child starting school this autumn will get two free books - totalling 1.38million copies - thanks to Booktime from Booktrust and Pearson ...
Every child starting school this autumn will get free book packs - totalling 1.38million copies - thanks to the Booktime programme run by Booktrust and Pearson

690,000 children in reception classes will get book packs during their first term at primary school from Booktime, a national free books programme for children of reception age run in partnership by independent charity Booktrust and learning company Pearson.

This year's titles will be Tinga Tinga Tales - Why Elephant has a Trunk (Puffin) and Facepainting (Pearson UK).

'Booktime, now in its sixth year, continues to give magical books to children at an important time for them as they start formal education, signalling the continuing importance of reading for pleasure as well as for learning,' said Booktrust CEO Viv Bird.

Peter Hughes of Pearson commented: 'A passion for reading is one of the greatest gifts we can give. Good reading skills are the basic cornerstone that helps all of us progress throughout our lives. Books inform, educate, but also inspire. Good reading starts early. Booktime is an incredibly important programme.'

Website: www.booktime.org.uk

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