Exclusive bonus content: Writing Magazine November


03 October 2016
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Learn more about our featured authors, study masterclass examples and more from our November 2016 issue

Read exclusive tips from November cover star, self-publishing success story, Adam Croft here

Subscriber Annie Percik's SF novel goes Under the Microscope. Read our suggested rewrite here.

Read the winning stories and judging comments from this month's competitions – for crime and nostalgia – in our competition winnners' showcase

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Check out the recommended reads from our short story masterclass below:
Cathedral, Raymond Carver
Mr Know All, Somerset Maugham
The Cop and The Anthem, O Henry
Prelude, Katherine Mansfield

Listen to audiobook extracts from two of our featured authors, The Night Stalker by Robert Bryndza and The Santiago Sisters, by Victoria Fox.

Finally, after a wildly popular first competition last year, we're thrilled to offer you another chance to win your way to Iceland Writers Retreat. Watch the slideshow of 2016's retreat to whet your appetite, and get the November issue now to enter!

Make sure you don't miss the November issue of Writing Magazine