Coffee break exercise: Body image


17 May 2019
bodies-65046.jpg Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash
Your creative writing exercise in Mental Health Awareness Week is about different approaches to ways of seeing yourself


Your creative writing exercise in Mental Health Awareness Week is about different approaches to ways of seeing yourself

Body image is the theme for this year's Mental Health Week. For the first two minutes, without over-thinking it, scribble down five things that you would change about your body if you could:  eg, hair colour, leg length, state of health.

For the next two minutes, write down five things that your body deserves to be appreciated for: eg has borne children; is fit and strong; is still here despite health problems.

Use the next ten minutes to write a poem or thank you letter to your body celebrating it.


If writing about your body has opened your eyes to the possibilities of life writing, why not consider WM's writing course on making the most of your life experiences?

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